
Consciousness Conference, India, July

> >>
>Subject: International Interdisciplinary Conference, Calcutta, India,
>July, 2006
>Consciousness, Self-Consciousness and Cultural Identity
>The Society for Indian Philosophy & Religion will hold an International
>Interdisciplinary Conference in Calcutta July 27-30, 2006. The Conference
>is "Consciousness, Self-Consciousness and Cultural Identity".
>The theme can be addressed critically, reflectively and creatively by the
>philosophical, religious and scientific traditions of the World's great
>civilizations. The program will include plenary addresses, volunteered papers,
>invited papers and panel discussions. Registered participants who are
>members of
>professional associations or societies are encouraged to submit proposals for
>holding meetings in the conference on behalf of their associations or
>The organizers are committed to upholding the highest academic standards with
>emphasis on the exchange of ideas and dialogues among thinkers drawn from
>a wide
>range of the world's cultural traditions and movements.
>Possible topics include: Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity, Qualitative
>aspects of Consciousness, Phenomenology of Consciousness, Theories of
>Action and
>Agency, Time Consciousness and Memory, Self, Self-Consciousness and Language,
>Consciousness, Knowledge and Reality, Social and Political dimensions of
>Consciousness, Ethics, Alterity and the Phenomenology of Obligation,
>and Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness of Self and Other,
>Imagination, Dreaming and Altered States of Consciousness, Consciousness and
>Cognition, Physicalist/reductive vs. non-physical/non-reductive accounts of
>Consciousness, Atomistic and Holistic aspects of Consciousness, Mediations of
>Consciousness: Race,Gender and Ethnicity, Post-modern Selfhood, Relativism and
>Absolutism , Cultural Relativism, Culture and Meaning, Singularity of Culture,
>Tradition and Modernity, Culture: Descriptive and Normative Approaches,
>Customs and Culture, Culture and Hermeneutics, Text and Interpretation,
>Globalization of Culture, Sociology of Knowledge, etc. This list is
>and not exhaustive.
>The Program Board comprises: Elysabeth Agnew (USA), David Blanks (Egypt),
>Victoria Harrison-Carter (U.K), Geoff Berry (Australia), Elysabeth Koldzak
>(Poland), Richard Libendorfer (USA), Craig Matarrese (USA), Devasish Mukherjee
>(India), Nityananda Saha (India), Joel Wilcox (USA)
>Registration: The advance registration fee for the conference is $100 and on
>site registration fee is $140. Conference events are currently expected to
>include a reception and an evening cultural program.
>We welcome your participation and suggestions. The deadline for submission of
>abstracts is May 25, 2005. The advance registration fee of $100 (due by
>31, 2005) should be paid by check drawn in favor of the Society for Indian
>Philosophy and Religion mailed to the Secretary, Society for Indian Philosophy
>and Religion, 1210 Jamestowne Drive, Elon, North Carolina 27244, USA.
>If you would like to contribute a paper to this event please send an
>abstract of
>about 150 words to:
>Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
>Society for Indian Philosophy & Religion
>E-Mail: chakraba@elon.edu
>Phone: (336) 524-9349

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