
Re: [CCC] skeptics & believers

In the Goa article I posted recently http://www.techgnosis.com/index_hedonic.html there is a great paragraph that shows how psychedelic experience can take you completely off the map, not shore up spiritual preconceptions but rather introduce disturbing new ideas that really don't reinforce beliefs or make one sleep better at night:

reminded me of the almost sinister edge to psy-trance's science-fictional imaginary, an edge most visible in the thankfully fading images and lore of the Grey aliens. Such images should curb any easy attempt to sacralize the dance floor as either a utopian site or an essentially archaic one. This is a music, a consciousness, ghosted by futurity, which for contemporary (post)humans has become a great abyss, however full of marvels. In many ways, this consciousness is a testament to the seriousness of the scene's psychedelia, because serious psychedelia plumbs many spaces far outside conventional markers of the spiritual. If more mainstream clubbers are willing to sacralize the Teletubby bliss of MDMA, then psy-trance dancers tip their hats to the cosmic reptiles that snicker eternally from the inky depths of psilocybin. Shamanspace is no walk in the park.

At 10:30 PM 12/8/2004, you wrote:
Science is:
surprising and unexpected
complicated and deep
indeterminate - there are questions whose answers aren't known
Personally, I'm suspicious of any system of thought that doesn't share all of these qualities. Why should one part of the universe exhibit these qualities and not others?

// posted by ustaath @ 12/08/2004 08:55:00 PM
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