
Entheogens on the Discovery Channel

The new Discovery Channel series "Going Tribal" features several episodes in which the use of psychoactive plants by modern aboriginal peoples is explored.

Look at their episode index for the following:

This episode deals with Iboga:

Bruce faces one of his toughest tests as he is inducted into Bwiti, a rainforest religion practiced by the Babongo people of Gabon. He's right to be worried — on occasion the ritual, which involves consuming an overdose of a powerful hallucinogenic, iboga, has proved fatal. This dramatic episode follows Bruce's build-up to the ceremony, as he goes hunting, collecting forest honey and spends time getting to know his new friends, before they judge the time is right for his "rebirthing" ritual.
Premieres Tuesday, Aug. 30, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

This episode deals with psychoactive snuff derived from the ebene tree.
Some of the effects of ebene are described here.
Bruce learns the secrets of the spirits when he joins the Sanema, a group of indigenous people who live in the Upper Caura region of Venezuela, to discover the strange dual-reality world in which they live. The Sanema believe spirits dwell in everything — the river, the rocks and the animals around them — in a world as real to them as the jungle they live in. And their shamans can commune with such spirits through the use of hallucinogenic snuff. Now Bruce faces the task of training as a shaman to get an insight into their experiences.
Premieres Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 10 p.m. ET/PT

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